August 31, 2023
Dear Friends and Family,
Happy end of August! It's hard to believe, but I am leaving for Thailand in ONE WEEK!!! This summer has blown by, but I am so blessed to have been able to spend it in preparation for my trip and in the company of my friends and family.
Recently, I have been reflecting on 1 Peter 4 (why verse 10 ended up on my prayer card to the right lol).
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.
(1 Peter 4:10-11)
The Lord has been showing me how to be vulnerable and to pray faithfully to seek ways to spread the Gospel. I am reminded that nothing that I have is mine and to leave my pleasure-seeking life behind, so I can use these gifts in a way that brings glory to Him.
I also recently memorized Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7), and I wanted to share some of my favorite takeaways from this experience:
We are full of imperfections but can still show love and peace towards others.
I was truly humbled when reading more deeply into the meanings of the commandments that Jesus was teaching. It strengthened my understanding of how to truly live for God’s glory, such as seeking reconciliation instead of anger (Matthew 5:21-26), and showing an enduring love for others despite persecution (Matthew 5:44). I now desire to use these principles which God has placed in my conscience to serve more faithfully. The intentions of which we serve are just as important as the deed itself.
God asks us not to serve just for praise and to be seen by others (Matthew 6:1-2) but with sincerity and Christ-centeredness. Our thoughts can result in sin just as much as our actions. This reminder has helped me better build a foundation in Christ (Matthew 7:24) in order to prepare my heart to serve with humility.
Fundraising Updates:
CCPC, my church down in Atlanta, recently hosted a bake sale for me and Izzie back in July! Thank you to all who contributed to this major success!
I have currently raised $8434 out of $7300, which is 116% of my funds! Praise God for His unfailing grace as I have seen His provisions come through you all. The extra funds have been allocated for emergencies, ministry materials, and additional support for the kids. The money will stay within “missions.”
Current Prayer Requests:
Protection for my travels to Mango House and a safe adjustment to this new environment (I have never been out of North America before!)
Fruitful and Christ-centered fellowship with the staff, volunteers, and kids I will meet soon
My next update will be from Thailand, and all my future posts will come through this platform! I also mailed my prayer cards to those who submitted their addresses, but if you would like to receive update notifications via email or an in-person prayer card via mail, please fill out the contact form down below with your email and/or address.
Once again, thank you for your endless support and encouragement. And as always, feel free to reach out to me!
In Christ,