Dear Friends and Family,
Happy late Thanksgiving! I hope you all are well, especially as we go into this holiday season.
Here is my update from this past month!

Classes are in full swing!
6 weeks of classes have already gone by, and it has been a blast teaching. I love finding new ways to teach material in a more exciting and engaging way.
On the other hand, teaching Thai-speaking students can be difficult at times. However, seeing how much they can learn in a different language has been so rewarding. It has also allowed me to continue to learn more and more Thai, which helps me connect with the kids even more.
The middle schoolers learned about melting points of substances by making ice cream! (below)
I have also begun teaching a TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) class to some of the college kids who are interested in further studies (potentially graduate school in America). This exam tests their English competency and a specific score is needed to be accepted into an English program.
Some of them are also planning on staying in America soon to continue to prepare and learn even more English. It is amazing seeing God's plan continue to unfold in their lives.
Clubs are also in full swing!
Every Saturday and Sunday, we have clubs! These kids' talents emerge in beautiful ways, and it helps me connect on a deeper level with some of the kids that I do not get to teach in classes.
17 Mango House kids signed up for Piano Club! It has been such a blessing to see so many people interested in learning how to play.
I have been teaching them how to read music, play simple nursery rhymes, and learn chords to play worship songs.
I am also so thankful for the extra piano materials we were able to get (shown in the pictures) so that the kids can do more playing, less watching :)
I have also been taking the time to immerse myself in some of the other clubs that the kids lead, including Guitar Club, Takraw Club, and Thai Language Club.
Testimony Sharing!
On Friday nights, we normally have bible study. However, this past month, we had “Get to Know Your Volunteers,” where each Friday one of the volunteers leads worship, shares their testimony, and runs a fun activity for the kids.
Here’s a breakdown of the night I led:
We 5 volunteers formed our own "Volunteer Band," where each week we help each other with worship. It has not only been fun playing the piano, but it has also allowed me to try other things, such as drums and singing!
Unfortunately, our band is blocked from the kids when they stood up to sing, but here are videos of essentially the audio of our performance if you want to listen! :0
Song 1: Death was Arrested
Song 2: How Great is Thou Art (in Thai)
Song 3: This I Believe
Here are some pictures that were also taken while we were performing!
For the testimony, we focused on three different questions: Why I am a Christian, why I came to Mango House, and what I want to leave behind.
Not only was I able to share with the kids, but it also provided me an opportunity to reflect on specific things that I wanted to leave behind in addition to sharing the Gospel and God's love.
Here is a transcript of my speech, if you are interested in reading:
For my activity, I decided to lead a "Spicy Ramen Challenge" for the kids. It was a lot of fun, and afterward, we not only continued to eat, but I also showed them my favorite childhood way to eat Yakults: frozen and with a chopstick! I am so thankful for all the volunteers, staff, and kids who helped make this a fun night for everyone.
Here are some pics from the activity!

Faith n Hope visited!
Faith n Hope is an international Christian non-profit organization that seeks to help provide opportunities for orphans and underprivileged children, especially in education.
Through Mango House's connection with them, they visit often and provide VBS for the kids. The theme throughout the weekend was that God is our Promise Keeper.
We celebrated Thanksgiving and Father's Day!
For Thanksgiving, we spent the day cooking and had a feast with classic American dishes. While they do not celebrate Thanksgiving in Thailand, it provides a great opportunity not only for the kids to have an amazing night of fellowship but to also remind them that God has given them so much to be thankful for.
Here are some pictures from Thanksgiving!
For Father's day (celebrated on 12/5 in Thailand), we prepared a HUGE seafood boil with pasta, corn, potatoes, garlic bread, and of course, lots of seafood! We also made carrot cake. Shoutout to Pastor Danny for just being such an amazing father to his two sons and a role model to these kids here at Mango House.
Here are some pictures from Father's Day!
Story Time!

A college student, Arbae, and I were fellowshipping and sharing bible verses one night. To both of our surprises, a new verse was written on the chalkboard outside of the kitchen the next day, and it was one of the same ones we were reflecting on!
It has been so amazing seeing God place these verses around me, and I wanted to share it with you all too.
Psalm 91:2-3
I will say to the LORD, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”
For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence.
This verse serves as a great reminder that God is our greatest protector. As long as we put our trust and remain close to Him, He will continue to keep us safe from the temptations and tribulations that we face. And, our ultimate protection is the guarantee of eternal life with Him.
Arbae and I have recently connected, and I have been amazed by his confidence in sharing his struggles with me. I was so encouraged to see how he continues to find protection in God, knowing that he will be safe, despite the daily problems he faces.
Many of the other MH kids also go through so many struggles. They face many temptations that I see them leaning towards.
Because of this, my prayer requests this week are the following:
For the MH kids to not get complacent in their faith throughout their struggles but can reflect on verses like Psalm 91:3 to remember to find protection in Christ instead of turning towards distractions and temptations.
For the MH kids to continue giving thanks to the Lord always, even after the holidays are over.
Also, Izzie, Irene, and I along with P'Mai will be traveling to Hong Kong in December to renew our visas. Prayers for safe travels and a successful trip.
Lastly, I just wanted to share a few more special moments this past month:

Another busy month has gone by, but I could not be more grateful to spend it here. My next update will definitely be a Christmas edition, so keep an eye out! For now, here's a sneak peak of what has already been happening around MH. :)

As always, thanks again for the endless support and see you next month!
In Christ,