Dear Friends and Family,
Happy leap year! I pray that everyone is happy and healthy.
Here is what has been happening this past month at MH:
Irene, Izzie, and I went to Singapore to renew our visas!
In the past couple of trips (to Vietnam and Hong Kong), we went to get 60-day tourist visas by visiting a Thai consulate in another country and staying multiple days for the visa to process. This time we decided to just exit and re-enter the country to get the 30-day tourist visa automatically. We can still extend 30 more days in Thailand through immigration.
I will most likely need to travel out of Thailand one more time before I go back to America.
Mango House School ended for the school year!
The kids' summer break starts in early March, so we ended MH school at the end of February to give them time to study for finals.
Once finals are over, the kids will be home from school all day until around mid-May. During that time, we will start up MH school (summer edition) again!
For the last week of class, I planned some more fun activities for the kids including making ice cream, slime, lava lamps, bubbles, and galaxy models (see below):
3 new MH kids arrived!
The first kid is a 15-year-old boy from Burma, who has come because of the turmoil that is currently happening there.
The second boy is only 4 years old. Since he arrived, it has been amazing seeing some of the younger kids who are used to being taken care of by everyone, immediately taking care of him.
It was also a great encouragement to me because after seeing the younger kids jump on this opportunity when the time came, I am confident that my work will continue to show when God presents the right timing, even if it is also after I leave.
Finally, we brought home a 7-month-old baby girl from the hospital with a history of parental neglect and abuse. This is the first time MH has taken in a child this young.
1 John 3:17
But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him?
P Danny and the rest of MH felt called to bring her home and help her through all the provisions provided by God.
We also met her parents, who had originally left her at the hospital. Admittedly, it was so hard to see their faces, knowing what they had done to their own child. However, returning to the Word and reflecting with the other staff/volunteers helped me reach a better understanding:
Matthew 5:7 (The 5th Beatitude): Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.
Psalm 136 talks about God's loving kindness throughout history. For every act mentioned, each line ends with, "for his steadfast love endures forever."
Showing mercy is not just about forgiveness but also acts of loving kindness. Not because it is easy, but because God poured out so much mercy and love to us even when we did not deserve it. His love and provisions for us are everlasting; they "endure forever" because He is a gracious God towards us incredible sinners.
Seeing the parents helped me understand the fact that God does not only desire love for Him but towards others as well. And, to move forward and provide the best opportunity for this child, we need to use our gifts to show kindness towards not only the baby girl but to the parents as well.
Overall, this opportunity to raise this baby as a child of God shows us how much we have to be thankful for.
Other things that happened this month:
1.Renovations, renovations, renovations!
MH has been undergoing construction for the past couple of months. We have updated the sanctuary where we worship and implemented a new computer program. We also have updated the library to give each MH kid his or her own study space and shelf!
God just continues to provide them with new ways to grow, and I'm excited to watch them use these new spaces!
2. Music Time!
Some of the MH kids, especially the younger ones, have been asking me if I could help them practice the piano outside of club time! This has been a great encouragement to me to see God using my talents to help with the ministry here at MH. Praise the Lord!
Also, one of my new favorite things is having random jam sessions where we go to the music room and sing worship songs. The kids get to practice playing instruments, I get to practice reading/speaking Thai, and we get to praise our Lord and Savior as one community for Christ.
Singing together is also a beautiful reminder of the sacrifices that Christ has made and that we need to continue to live our lives to glorify Him alone. The song Once Again which displays this perfectly.
[Verse 1]
Jesus Christ, I think upon your sacrifice
You became nothing, poured out to death
Many times I've wondered at your gift of life
And I'm in that place once again
I'm in that place once again
And once again I look upon the cross where you died
I'm humbled by your mercy and I'm broken inside
Once again I thank you
Once again I pour out my life
[Verse 2]
Now you are exalted to the highest place
King of the heavens, where one day I'll bow
But for now I marvel at your saving grace
And I'm full of praise once again
I'm full of praise once again
3. MH had some visitors!
We welcomed Pastor Paul and two elders from OpenDoor Presbyterian Church in Northern Virginia. They visit each year while checking other ministries/connections in Thailand and Cambodia.
We also met Pastor Steven and his wife Helen from NewStory Church in Los Angeles, whose church sends a team each year.
4. Two MH kids (Tae and Chai Chai) graduated high school!
Please pray that they have a heart to serve and continue a life for Christ as they transition to college.
For context, only about 30% of Thais go to university, so it is truly an amazing gift from God for them to be able to continue their education and their journey to become Kingdom workers.
5. More Taekwondo!
Last but not least, the kids had another belt testing this past month. They also had another Taekwondo tournament, and this time, many of the MH kids won their division! It was amazing to see all their hard work pay off, or as P Danny has been instilling in the kids recently due to our studies in Revelation, their perseverance through trials. (Revelation 3:10: Because you have kept my word about patient endurance, I will keep you from the hour of trial that is coming on the whole world, to try those who dwell on the earth.)
I have now been at MH for 6 whole months! Now that summer is approaching, many things are in store for MH and the kids here. While exciting, it is even more important that I do not get complacent on one end or overwork myself on the other.
Pastor Paul from OpenDoor shared a verse, Matthew 11:28. Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Who I am as a Christian is more important than the works that I do. When I am struggling or tired, I need to always remember to submit full authority to Jesus Christ and give Him control. He is the one who will direct me in bringing glory to Him and give me rest.
That being said, my prayer requests are centered around the upcoming summer plans:
Prayer Requests:
Some of the MH kids will be visiting the US at the end of April due to the support of both SBMC and Cornerstone (the two churches that visited in October). In order to go, they must obtain a visa that involves an interview. Please pray that this whole process goes smoothly.
Next month, Grace Community Chapel (GCC) from New Jersey will be sending their yearly team. MH has been working with them to plan exciting things, including a retreat for everyone! Please pray that everyone will be vulnerable in sharing with each other and growing their faith as disciples of Christ.
As the MH kids transition to the summer, please pray that they finish the school year strong academically while keeping their hearts set on God during this stressful time.
Especially with three new kids, the ministry at MH is growing! Please pray that their transition goes well and that we continue to find strength and wisdom in God.
As always, here are a few of my February favorite moments:
Another month has simply flown by! Many people have told me that they are amazed that I send out updates so frequently. But honestly, it's the biggest blessing to be able to share with you God's work, a perfect opportunity for me to reflect, and just a place to store memories.
See you next month!
In Christ,